Matthew 6:25-34
Consulting, Service & Repair Rates
Technical Support Trip Charge..........$25.00
(Trip charge may be waived if 1st hour is billed)
Technical Support Hourly Rate..........$90.00
Consulting Hourly Rate......................$45.00
Remote Support*.................$25.00
(Can be telephone or electronic support)
Workmanship Guarantee
General Information

Integrated Computer Consulting, LLC guarantees all work to be free of defects and errors.

An initial consultation** will determine the scope of the work to be completed. All work will be completed, to the customer’s satisfaction, as agreed upon during the initial consultation.

If, after an invoice has been submitted, it is determined that the work was incomplete or incorrect ICC will return, at no additional cost, to complete the work or perform necessary corrections to the customer’s satisfaction.

Additional work, not discussed during the initial consultation, or problems caused by a source other than ICC, are not covered and standard rates will apply.


*Remote Support – This can be either a phone call placed to an ICC representative or an electronic communication by Email, Instant Message, or request for “Remote Assistance”. Regardless of the means of communication to and with ICC, billing will be at the discretion of the technical support person contacted.

**Initial Consultation – In most cases an ICC representative will discuss the nature and scope of the work to be completed by telephone, or in person, or both, prior to beginning any work. There is never a charge for an initial consultation. This consultation will result in either a verbal or written agreement of the scope and nature of the work being contracted. The work will be deemed completed upon submission of an invoice by an ICC representative and the acceptance thereof by the client.